How do I transfer my jobs or rounds to another CleanerPlanner user/account?

In order to transfer jobs/rounds between CleanerPlanner accounts we need the following information


  • Please provide the last 4 digits of the card used to pay for your account as security
  • Which CleanerPlanner account is the data being transferred from/to?
  • We will need a message from the other account confirming this transfer (they should message us while logged into their CleanerPlanner account)

Job Information

  • Which rounds to transfer
  • Which jobs you want to move: active, quote, suspended, complete and/or cancelled?
  • Do you wish to transfer debts? (note that transaction history will *not* be transferred)
  • Do you want to copy over the customer/job references?
  • Do you want to keep a copy of these jobs as active in your own account? (otherwise they will be marked as status = 'transferred')
  • What date you would like to complete the transfer? And we will confirm this can be scheduled

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