How do I complete and submit a worksheet?

Video Tutorial:

1. Go to the "Worksheets" tab

2. Click "Done" next to the first job

3. Check the done date and amend if necessary

4. Check the charge (today's price) and amend if necessary

If you did more or less work today you can increase or decrease today's price accordingly. This will not change the price permanently.

5. Click "Paid" if customer paid on the day (otherwise leave in debt)

Customers who didn't pay today will end up on the "Debts" tab for you to track and chase accordingly.

6. Select how the customer paid you (or will pay you, e.g. BACS)

If your payment method drop down is empty you need to add your payment methods.

7. Click "Missed" if a customer didn't want a clean this time

They will not be charged and will come due again as per their schedule.

8. Leave any jobs still to do as neither "Done" or "Missed"

9. Click "Submit Worksheet"

10. Any jobs still to do stay on the worksheet for tomorrow

No need to mark them as "Missed" as you can just catch up on them tomorrow.

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